Human Design
Allison Cullen discusses Human Design, a system that maps energy centers, similar to chakras, and interacts with pseudoscience and astrology. It originated in the late 80's and refined in the early 90's, aligning with the Human Genome Project. The founder, Ra Uru Hu, claimed to receive divine downloads. Human Design involves 5 types and 12 profiles, with Cullen being a 41 generator.
Allison shares her journey from a fundamentalist Christian upbringing to embracing Human Design, which influenced her parenting and career shift from the music industry to podcasting and coaching. She also discusses the community she built and the rebranding of her podcast, "You Do Woo."
Links to connect to Allison and book a reading for yourself.
Matt Cundill 0:01
You may also like a show about the things you may also like things like human design. Years ago, I met Alison Cullen, who had a podcast called aligned designs. It was about human design, and I thought, I have no idea what that is. Fast forward to today, and I'm ready to learn what it is and how I am designed. Allison changed the name of her show a few years back to you do Woo. We'll talk about why shortly, but right now, we're gonna get all Woo. Woo with Allison, who joins me from Austin, Texas.
Speaker 1 0:43
Human Design is a smorgasbord of a lot of different technologies, a little bit of science, a little bit of pseudoscience, as people would say, but super, super helpful. It's basically a map of your energy centers, which some people call chakra centers, and the way that you utilize, produce, interact with your own energy and other people's energies, throughout the day, throughout the week, throughout the month. We all affect each other very much, depending on if we're soaking in other people's emotions or being susceptible to other people's thoughts or fears or that kind of stuff. There's sort of an energy center for all of the different quote, unquote, feelings that you feel. And Human Design is a map of it. If somebody's, I guess, well versed in astrology, you'll probably really, really love human design. I was not that person. I'm not the hugest astrology buff. It a little bit overwhelms me. So even if you don't understand astrology, human designs, almost I say it's like the Enneagram and astrology had a baby. So it's a little bit simpler. And when you print out your chart, it can look a little bit confusing, but just grabbing somebody like me, my podcast, my resources, can put a lot of that information into layman's terms. So it's basically a blueprint, a map of your personal energy.
Matt Cundill 2:18
Do you know how it came together? Because I hear, when I hear chakras, I think yoga, when I hear astrology, obviously, I think about astrology. And then, you know, the feelings that are intertwined. How did all this come together to be sort of an amalgamation of data and data points about us? I mean, somebody had to sit there and said, We're going to take these things and put them together and create and this is going to be human design, yes.
Speaker 1 2:44
So this is the woo woo part of the story. My podcast is called you do Woo? So I'm very into this kind of stuff. There's a woo woo part of the story, the origin story of human design, and then a little bit of DNA science. It came about in 1987 and I don't remember. I should probably write this down in my like notes as whenever I share the background of human design, but I don't remember when the human genome project started, but it was either around the same time or a little bit after human design came onto the scene. Now, Human Design apparently has always been a thing, but it wasn't until we actually started studying DNA, which is the Human Genome Project, and having computers and the internet and all of that kind of stuff, which I know wasn't in everybody's everyday life in 1987 I think we got our first computer in 89 or 90. But it was, it was coming onto the scene as well. So the origin story Woo. Woo style is the founder of human design. He's actually Canadian. He passed, I think, in early 2000s but he was in Ibiza, Spain. I don't know if he was doing drugs. I'm not sure what the deal was. I don't know if he was like, doing DMT or LSD to connect to God or what. He wasn't setting out to get any information, but he all of the sudden, it was like January, some early day in january 1987 that he started getting these downloads. He was actually either an atheist or agnostic. Didn't believe in God. So it wasn't like God was I mean, probably like a fundamentalist Christian would say God told me these things, you know. So he didn't really put the label God on it. He called it the voice, but there was all of this information being given to him, and he wrote it all down. And I think that he was pretty quiet about it for several years because he thought he was crazy, like he didn't he had all this information. He wasn't a scientist. I think he worked in advertising, actually. Yeah. He didn't know about all of the DNA research that was going on at the time and all that kind of stuff, but there was a lot of information, not only about how the world was getting ready to change in 30 years from then, that was 87 the sort of shifting point, apparently, according to human design, is 2027 but there was also some changes in our DNA as humans that was going to start happening. And he wrote all of this information down, and then didn't start actually talking about it, like publicly, like worldwide, I think, for about seven years, and that was once the internet was a thing, and it was able to spread pretty fast. I think it was only really in the true woo woo community at that time, and it was pretty underground. One of my human design teachers actually studied directly with him, with rauru, who the founder of human design, said he was a pretty, pretty interesting character. So that's sort of the woo, woo origin story. The scientific origin story is that all this information came out. A lot of the information started lining up pretty accurately with the Human Genome Project and what they were finding and the different strains of DNA and what are activated, what are what we know their job is, and then what the trash DNA is all about, quote, unquote, trash DNA, it all has like we're finding out every day more and more about the DNA that they thought was useless, but that is actually doing something for us as a human race, and that kind of stuff started lining up. So I think that gave it a little bit more credibility, where it was like, Okay, I don't know who told this information to this dude, but it matched exactly with what the scientists were finding out about in the Human Genome Project. So the way that the science goes is there are particles that come from the sun, neutrinos. They're a little bit different than photons, like actual light particles, because light particles that we learn about just in and we I might have learned about neutrinos in junior high and high school. I don't remember. I wasn't a big, a big science person, but the neutrinos that come from the sun can pass through, like, cement walls, whereas photons can't. You know, you close up a room, it gets dark and there's, if there's no light, you can, like, block out all the light neutrinos can get through walls and cement and all of that kind of stuff. So around, I think it was around the year 2000 and then again, a lot more in 2012 and then more in 2020 and these are things you can look up honestly on NASA's website. Like all of the history of this, more and more solar flares started happening. More the intensity of neutrinos that are coming to earth are increasing rapidly. Some people think that it's doing something, you know, weird, climate wise, or whatever, but, like, this is actually something that always happens. It happens, I think, every, like 11,000 years. But right now, it's like, more intense than ever, ever before. And apparently those are the quote, unquote light codes and extra light that is coming to activate some of the quote, unquote, trash DNA we have. So it's really interesting to be on the woo, woo side. And I do a lot more than just human design. I do business coaching, spiritual life, coaching, all of that kind of stuff. But human design wise, it's really interesting to see over the past few years, the two worlds mesh between spirituality and like, what all this can do for you and the chakras. Like it's the same chakra system as yoga. So human design brings in that chakra system. It brings in a little bit of the truths from Kabbalah, which is a mystical Jewish tradition. It brings in some of the technology from the I Ching and astrology. There's just a whole like melting pot of different things that it pulls from, but the DNA aspect of it, and then neutrinos and what all has been changing over the past 20 years or so is a really interesting one to watch lately. So that's sort of the deep dive of the origin story for you.
Matt Cundill 9:31
How did you become attracted to this? What was it? Was it one thing, many things, that encouraged you to become involved with human design? Yeah.
Speaker 1 9:41
So this is a little bit of a personal background story. I'm from. I'm from Texas. I grew up in the Bible Belt and grew up in the Christian faith. I don't have a whole lot of, I guess, trauma that some people have that have grown up religious. Mine was pretty. Mellow and a little bit watered down and sort of like what I needed there wasn't a whole lot of like fire and brimstone, it was a lot of teachings of love and Jesus's teachings and all of that. So that was my upbringing. But then when I got into college, and beyond college, I joined a church that in Austin that was pretty fundamentalist, and it started just like, really rubbing me the wrong way. So I chose to leave the church at that time. I didn't really leave my faith, but I just since then, haven't gone to church, other than going and exploring really cool churches in Europe. But I haven't sat through it a church service, you know. So I think that when I turned 30, I'm turning 41 this year, when I turned 30, I started really missing the spiritual aspect, I think, of growing up in the church and religion and all of that, but I was very much not interested in going back to find a church that fit. I just didn't feel like maybe that exists, but it didn't feel like that was the path that I wanted to take. I wanted to go a little bit more into spirituality. So I started reading a lot of books of people who, some who like used to be Christian, and then sort of formed their own type of belief system. I knew that I wanted to have kids, and I knew that I didn't want to raise them in the church, but I did want to help them in whatever way I could to connect with their higher self or God or their soul, or whatever they choose to to believe in or not believe in, and just like study all the different religions and and the history of those and all that kind of stuff. So I started doing that sort of for myself before even getting married and having a family. And it was in my early 30s that I heard about human design on a podcast. So podcasts are super powerful in that way. And I actually looked up what type I was. There's five energy types, and I looked it up. And I, we'll get to this in a second, but I, like Matt, am a generator, which is, like, the most common type, but there's a lot of interesting things about it that really, really resonated. And I sort of took all of those things, but then I left it. I didn't learn about human design as a whole. I didn't learn about the other types. I just took the things that benefited me, I think, on a on a daily basis, and ran with it. And then I got pregnant in 2018 and I had my daughter in 2019 and when she was born, little backstory, I was working in the music industry. At that time, I was actually a business manager in the country music industry, so I had a business that I worked with a lot of clients in Nashville, Tennessee, and then Austin, Texas. So that's, that's what I was doing. And I had my baby in 2019 and we were in the hospital. And, you know, it's very boring sitting in the hospital waiting to be let go home and all that kind of stuff. So I was on my phone and was like, oh, I should look up her human design, just see what she is. And I looked it up, and she was this type is called a reflector, and it's less than 1% of the population. I was like, Jesus, okay, this is cool, great. And reflectors are very in the history of like reflectors. And I need to go find who like examples of some reflectors, so I can give you all an idea. But reflectors are a lot of times really, really sensitive. They can sometimes permit and just like get away from the rest of humanity. They are super empaths. They can be psychic sometimes. So I mean, I was very low on sleep. I was exhausted. I was just all of the things super emotional. And I started crying in the hospital bed because I was like, Oh my God, of course, I have a reflector child. I don't know how to raise this child. Basically, a generator and reflector are complete opposites. So I'm just like, I don't know what to do. So at that point, I started slowly studying the other types and human design as a whole, just so that I could be a better parent in raising this little child who's apparently going to be super, super sensitive. What's interesting is that as I've dove into human design more it's a lot more nuanced than that. And my daughter is actually much more extroverted than me, much more determined, and she's sensitive, but not in the ways that you think she's a very strong, strong spirit. And I actually had nothing to worry about. So I feel like that all came to be for a reason. So anyways, I started studying it. That was like October, November, 2019 I came back from maternity leave a few weeks before covid hit. And the music industry, most people know, like a lot of the certain industries that were hit really hard, music. Industry was one of the hardest hit, because they couldn't go out and play. They couldn't go out and play their concerts and everything. So I got put on unemployment for six months, maybe a little bit longer, but everything just paused, which was a blessing, because I was able to spend more time with my child. There was a lot of life stuff happening. I was able to spend more time with my parents and have them spend more time with my with my daughter, and I was able to take some time to really think about, like, what do I want to do? And in the back of my head, I was like, I could just never have a music industry job again. Like, this could be done. All of us sort of were in that limbo state where we're like, what is the world gonna go back to normal. It hasn't totally put in some ways it has, you know, but we didn't know. So I was like, Holy crap, what do I do? I had been talking more and more about human design to friends and family, and people were really interested in it, especially since one of the sort of prophecies I guess that human design talks about is 2027. Is this shift in humanity. They call it the new paradigm, but it's a shift, a shift in our DNA and the way that we interact with each other. A lot of different changes are apparently going to happen. 2020. Was the year that those things started happening because human design teaches that it takes seven years to sort of make a full change to quote, unquote, decondition from a program. So the prophecy was always that 2020, was going to be some big event that started off this seven year basically change to a new type of living for us as humans, which I know not a ton of things changed, but a lot of people started working from home. A lot of people moved. A lot of people switched careers, like so many different things good and bad happened in 2020 so I especially was like, okay, because when I first started learning about it, I was like, I'm gonna take what helps me and like, leave the rest. I'm not, you know, there was the whole like, the world's gonna end in the year 2000 like, all of the we've been through lots of these things. And I'm like, I don't know, taking all this with a grain of salt, but when that happened in March of 2020 I was like, ew. Maybe there is some truth to some of this. Let's see how this plays out. I started doing mini readings for friends and family just to chart reading, like, a quick 20 minute overview of it. Everybody I talked to was like, you're really good at this. Like, this is so interesting, you know, you should, you should do this as a job. And I was like, well, let's see. Like, let's see if I get my music industry job back and all that kind of stuff. But I actually had so many people asking such similar questions and coming to me with like, Okay, what does it mean when you're a generator and you have this blah, blah, blah, and that's why I started a podcast. I didn't start a podcast intending we're at 200 episodes now. Like, I didn't know how I thought I would just like record several things and have it be there as a resource, so that I didn't have to waste time explaining things over and over, so I have episodes for everything. And then it ended up growing, especially once, once the music industry opened back up in 2021, and I was like, Okay, I don't really want to do this anymore. Like, I just don't want to. And I just pivoted into doing the podcast and business coaching and human design coaching. I, at that point, was like, Okay, this could actually be bigger than it is. And I think I started having you produce my show, like at some point in 2021 and then I even did a, it was just a human design podcast. And then I rebranded to you do Woo, and we talk about much more than human design now. So tell
Matt Cundill 18:53
me a little bit about the rebrand. Originally, it was called line designs. I like that title because I could understand something. And then you went to you do Woo, and I got upset. Okay, so it's rebranding. There's something that's a little bit deeper, that's Woo. Now I don't really understand it. I was skeptical of that rebrand, yet it's turned out to be what a lot of podcasters should do, and that's niched down a little bit. I mean, aligned designs is great. I understand it, but you took it a little deeper into Woo. And so tell me a little bit about that rebrand. Because I thought, I always think I know things. That was one thing where I said, Yeah, I really don't know, so I'm just gonna watch,
Speaker 1 19:31
yeah. So when I chose aligned designs, I really just was choosing a title so that I could put it out there. And I didn't want to do like the Allison Cullen show, like I wanted it different than me, so I very much used total logic just my brain. I sort of made, like a whole brain dump list of possible names I knew I wanted design to be in it, just because human design and alignment is a big part of human design. In that human design can sort of help you to figure out all the different facets of your life and what is most aligned for you more on a like true soul level, not just like what your ego wants, like the music industry job was very ego based. I'm a musician. I play the flute. I love music, but working in the music industry was I chose that for my ego, like 100% it paid well. It was a cool job. Got to travel, got to go see a lot of concerts, got to know a lot of awesome people. You felt special. So it was a total ego job. This human design and podcasting is not ego. I mean, it's honestly, especially living in, like, a small Christian conservative town in Texas, it's like, I don't want to tell you what I do, you know, like, it's very much not like a bragging thing, an ego thing. So alignment is basically getting on track with your true soul purpose, calling all that kind of stuff, not just what looks good on paper, or what will make your dad happier, or what sounds fun for a resume kind of thing. So the Align designs came from that in october 2021, I actually did a small group coaching container with some of my friends. And they actually do podcast coaching the almost 30 gals. They were based in LA now, I think one moved to New York, and one's in LA, they've had their show for several years now, very successful, especially in the like spiritual woo, woo world. And I was like, Okay, I'm going to take this course and figure out how to uplevel, because I was sort of at a plateau, business wise at that time. And I just was like, Okay, I want something like these girls have. So let me get some one on one coaching for them. And one of the weeks, it was, like a six week course, and like week two or three. It was all about connecting to the soul of your show. And I was like, Well, this is weird, like, the show is me. I'm the show. I get to decide all things, like, I get to decide what I want to talk about and all that kind of stuff. And this was actually sort of interesting, because when I did, they had like a meditation. They walked you through very Woo, woo, very like out there. But it was interesting because when I got into that meditation, it wasn't like an audible voice, but it was just this, like, sort of feeling of like, this is not the name of your show, aligned designs, is not it. I am something else, and I am something that is going to be helpful for a lot of people beyond human design. And it was like something there was like several, several goals that it had. One was to get me to not take myself so seriously, and actually to be speaking on the show about some of the hardships I'm going through, rather than just saying I've got it all figured out. Here's what you do, here's how you use human design. The show sort of wanted me to be a little bit more vulnerable and transparent and show that I'm just a human because I very much have like I'm first child, I did really well in school. I have very much have, like, teacher, coach vibes, and that's fine and hopeful. But really and human design teaches this to the leaders in this next era of humanity are going to be the leaders who are really, I guess, humble, and don't act like a guru. Don't act like they have all their shit figured out, like all that kind of stuff. So the show, the soul of my show, wanted me to do that and to learn how to have fun and to learn how to enjoy the journey. And it was like that kind of vibe. And then at the end of the meditation, it was like, You do Woo. And I was like, seriously, like, that is the weirdest name. And I told Lindsey, Lindsey simsick, who's one of the hosts of almost 30 she was like, Allison go trademark that right now. She was like, that is the coolest name ever. I'm a little bit jealous. And just Yes, that's what you need to do. And I felt that when it said that, I was like, Okay, well, that's your name, whatever. It's almost like, if you have a child, and then the child's like, this is what you're going to be naming me. And you're like, I've never thought of that name before, but okay, so that obviously it came in a woo, woo way came through a meditation spoke to me as far as what it wanted to be called and what it wanted to grow into. And there's been a lot of growing pains, and I'm still learning a lot of things, but as a whole, its purpose and mission hasn't changed. I just probably need to come back to that. That every once in a while, but it is interesting, because even like non woowoo people, when they find out the name, they're like, that's a really cool name. Like, that's really interesting.
Matt Cundill 25:10
So there's a lot of podcast coaches out there. Most are frauds. I can tell you that these ones are good, because I've managed to watch your numbers grow over the years. And you know that rebrand, there's two things about podcasting. One is, if you get to know your audience really, really well, they're going to start to shape your brand. And the other thing was, if you can be vulnerable and authentic and carry a degree of empathy inside your show, it will attract people. So whatever they're doing is the right thing to do. I can say that so, and I'll put a link in the show notes, if anybody wants to reach out and connect to that, if it's still going and whatnot. I do want to ask you, though, about the community that has grown out of that change. And so you've got an entire community. So tell me about the you do woo community?
Speaker 1 25:56
Yes. So that was october 2021, I feel like it took until sort of the spring of 2022 to really gain some traction. And that was actually when I started my first online community. I had a mastermind. So it was a smaller group of women, like it was always between 10 or 15 women in there, and we met weekly. And I mean, you know, it wasn't all of my listeners, but it was, I feel like those women, it's mainly women who listen to my podcast. There's some men, but those women, 15 women, very much represented my listener base as a whole. And it was really neat to be in there. We actually spoke on a daily basis, because we had a boxer. It's almost like a whatsapp chat going all the time. And then we met on Zoom once a week. So that was all of 2022 and then 2023 was when I started my membership. So that's a little it's not as much as a mastermind. Like a mastermind is sort of people coming in, very much, getting business coaching, being in their business, all of that kind of stuff. And then the membership is a little bit more. We meet once a week, but it's talking about all life stuff, and it's a larger group. And that felt really good, because even though I'm a really good business coach, I knew that so many more people than just entrepreneurs need support at this time. So in the membership, they're able to come in and ask business questions, to ask human design questions, talk about life, stuff, marriage, parenting, like all the things, and it feels a lot more I don't know. It's not niche down as much. It's much more broad, but I feel like I'm able to help a whole lot more people. And we also had a year ago now, we had our first retreat. So that was really fun. We had a retreat here in the hill country, and being able to, like, actually see and hang out with people in real life was such a big deal, because so much of our community over the past five years now has been online community, which is super helpful and easy, and you know, you don't have to travel or make plans to meet in person and all that kind of stuff. But I really do feel like we're missing out on the in person community a lot lately, and that's one thing that I'm because of. The retreat last year. We're going to be planning another retreat soon. I've been planning a lot more, just small in person meetups, and that has been really, really huge. And it was interesting too, because I had a gal do somebody gifted me a tarot card reading. I had never done tarot cards before. It's another woo, woo thing. I didn't really know what I was getting into, but this lady is a psych. She's been a psychiatrist for 30 years, and she's now adding Tarot to her psychiatry practice, which is really interesting. I was like, Cool. This will be interesting, because it's not just this, like, I don't know 80 year old lady that lives on Maui, who's just real woo woo, reading your cards for you. It's like a psychiatrist who knows the human brain and the psychology and everything. And that was fascinating. I got that done in April of this year, and she actually said she goes, your business is gonna grow from in person meetups and in like, real life relationships. I was like, wow, you know, and I know we've talked about this too, and I'm I started a YouTube channel, gonna start doing all the video and all of that kind of stuff, and taking advantage of that, which I know will be a big up level. And it's weird because the in person events that we've been doing here in Texas, word of mouth has been growing a lot more because they'll be like, Oh my gosh, I'm friends with this Allison girl. She has this podcast, you know, you should listen to it, blah, blah, blah. And that's been really, really neat to see that actually working. Because for, you know, all of us in the podcasting world or coaching world, for the past like 10 or 15 years, we've all all been taught, like. Utilize Instagram, utilize the internet to grow and obviously so, but now I think that just that craving of human connection is so intense that I'm realizing like people need that. And one of the cool things I've been doing in my community is like helping people who live near each other meet up. Like, we have a lot of Canadian girls who do meetups, and we have girls in outside of Sedona, Arizona who do meetups. And like, I've been able to connect people even though I'm not there. Like, I consider myself a connector, a resourcer, so I'm able to do that even even with just putting people together to be like, Y'all should go get coffee together. So yeah, that's that's been the vibe of the community.
Mary Anne Ivison (Voiceover) 30:52
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Matt Cundill 31:06
So when somebody wants to explore their human design, and this is going to be the fun part of the show, because you've done mine, and now I'm like, what happens now? Give me top line and walk me through. Because this is the result of what happens after I provide you with my birthday and the location and the time that I was born, and from this, you've been able to extract my human design. So what do you see?
Speaker 1 31:30
Okay, so one thing I'm going to send you Matt as well, so that people can sort of do this for themselves. If they want to book a reading, I'll totally do a reading for you. It's really fun, and we can do a one hour Deep Dive. But I also have very simple cheat sheets, and we'll sort of go over what is involved in the cheat sheet, and I can explain your chart based on those few things. So the type is generator, which is what I am as well, and the profile are the first two things that I love looking at so there are five types in human design. There are generators and manifesting generators, which make up about 70% of the population. And these people are what you would think of. It's sort of like how we've been told to live. You know, the past 150 years or so, these people have a lot of life force energy you are here to do you are, I mean, you're not meant to just work all of your life. But these people do tend to have more of that workhorse mentality, a little bit more drive and motivation and and all that kind of stuff. The whole like just do it vibe. That's the generator and manifesting generator. When you do a chart reading, we get a lot more nuanced, because you can look into all of these shapes. As you can see, Matt has a few that are lit up or colored, so like the top two at the very top, and then several of the middle energy centers, or chakra centers, are lit up, the ones that are open or white. He's got the square, the white square, which is his throat center. He's got the white diamond, which is your G center. And then the white root, which is at the very, very bottom, the square those each very much mean something too. It's sort of when it's white, it means you're a little bit more affected by external situations or other people in those energy centers. So an open root center at the very bottom means that you can be very affected by other people's time pressures and putting pressure on you and getting you to hurry and all of that kind of stuff, whereas somebody who has that defined might be somebody who does well with time pressure and wanting, like daily deadlines and like all that kind of stuff, Where for you, it's a little bit better to just go with the flow. Don't let other people rush you. All of that kind of stuff. The G center in the middle, the diamond. When somebody has this open it's really interesting, because their environment is very, very important to their work and productivity like it needs to be decluttered. They need to be like, I'm not this way. I have a defined G center, and you should see my desk right now, like there's crap all over it, Matt, I'd be interested to see what yours is for somebody like you, like you work better with it being clear,
Matt Cundill 34:37
I actually have piles. So they're just not in front of me. They're
Unknown Speaker 34:41
organized. Yeah,
Matt Cundill 34:43
it's organized chaos.
Speaker 1 34:44
There you go. Also, for somebody like you, if you're lacking motivation or feeling stagnant or just not feeling like there's forward momentum, a lot of times, changing your environment can be good, whether that's going and doing actions. Admin work at a coffee shop. I know you can't record a podcast at a coffee shop, but doing emails or something like that at a beautiful bar or coffee shop or poolside resort or something like that, that's a really big deal for people with an open G center. Oh,
Matt Cundill 35:13
when I get tired of something, I get up and walk and go somewhere else. I change the channel.
Speaker 1 35:17
Yeah, you definitely have to have that change in environment, and the environment's a big deal too. Like, you could walk into a restaurant and, like, my husband has this, he has an open G center, like you and there, there's been times where we've walked into like, a Mexican restaurant. He's like, Nope, we gotta leave. Like, it's not I'm like, we've never even been here before. Can we try the food? He's like, it doesn't feel right, like, I just want to leave. So it's that like feeling of like knowing whether your environment is correct for you or not. You're very sensitive to that, which is cool, if you look, and this is the last little chakra center I'll talk about, and we'll go back to the types, but if you look at your there's a small red triangle that is called the heart or ego center. It has number 26 lit up and number 40 lit up. Those are really interesting, because this is your heart or ego center. It's not really like ego, like your egotistical or anything. It's not that. It's sort of like where your willpower and motivation comes from. 26 means that you very much are meant to be your own boss, not have somebody micromanaging you. And 26 is big on spoken word, which is really interesting, because you have that lit up. And then 40 is all about fame. So this is being really well known, very well connected. It doesn't have to be like you have 11 million followers on Instagram, but it can be, you know, you have your podcast platform, you have your company that's very well known for podcast production. Like all of that, 40 is when you really activate this 40. You are very, very well known for what you do. Wow,
Matt Cundill 37:02
you've hit everything. It's, it's very, very true. And I did not like to be micromanaged. And when I was and when it happened, I did flip, and I became my own boss, and started to really enjoy that. And yeah, there were time it's funny. You also talked about the time pressures. I did not like the time pressures and so many of these, you know, parts of me, it's funny, because I really wanted the 40, you know, I really wanted to be well known. And the path I took, there were a lot of pressures, and there was a lot of micromanaging that was involved with it. And in the end, it did sort of lead me to becoming my own boss, just as you mentioned, wow.
Speaker 1 37:40
So that's pretty, pretty cool. And then I also love to look at the profile. So the profiles right next to the type and yours is a four one, which I think I've only done a reading for one other person with a four one profile, there's 12 profiles, but the four one is the most rare. Only, like 2% of the population have this profile. And if you're someone who believes in reincarnation and that we have several lives, and we sort of die and then come back and die and come back. By the way, if anybody's listening that wants to dive deeper into that, there's an amazing book called The journey of souls that I really, really, highly recommend. It's written by a psychiatrist who, I think, in like, the 30s and 40s. He was doing hypnotism on his clients to, like, get them to stop smoking or, you know, health things or whatever, and he ended up accidentally regressing them to times in between their lives. And there's so many interesting cases. He has 1000s of cases that he wrote about in there. So if that's something where you're like, Ah, I want to find out more about that, or I'm not sure what I believe, or I totally believe that I want to dive in deeper. It's very objective, but very, very interesting. So if you believe in reincarnation, then this profile is super interesting because it's almost considered a bonus life. And if you did have past lives, you've cleaned up a lot of your karma, which is really cool, and you're able to see sort of the gray areas in the world so much is, like, very polarized, like, right, left, good, bad, whatever. And you're very much here to remind people of, like, the higher perspective the purpose of life is to freaking have fun and to love and be loved, and to enjoy yourself. And that's what the four one is meant to do. Does that resonate for you at all? Oh,
Matt Cundill 39:43
absolutely. I don't spend a lot of time with black, white, left, right. I kind of feel at times I'm like the Jehovah's Witness, where I try to bring both sides together, to sort of sell people on both sides of something. And you know, well, let's take another look at that in a different. In a more particular way. I did have a question, what is not self theme? So in the corner you've got the word frustration up here in the top, what is that?
Speaker 1 40:06
So not self theme? Is every generator or manifesting generator, when they're not aligned with their energy, the not self theme of frustration will come up so when you're feeling frustration, and the point is not to never feel frustration, it's just to notice it when it comes up and say, Okay, I've been doing something wrong. I need to change something. And frustration for me, sometimes it comes up in that feeling of like anger, frustration, but a lot of times, it comes up that the true definition of frustration is like stuckness. You feel like you're stuck. You're not moving forward, you're in limbo. There's no clarity. That's how it comes up most the time. Sometimes it comes up in anger, but when you're feeling frustration as a generator, you want to go look and say, Have I said yes to things that I didn't want to do? Now we can't do this 100% of the time in the matrix world that we're living in right now, there's some things, pay bills, pay taxes, like there's stuff that we have to, quote, unquote, do. But when you start learning about human design, you can use this just in baby steps, so you can start doing little things. So if somebody asks you to go get coffee and you don't want to go get coffee with them, say, this week's not a good time. Let me get back to you right start saying no more instead of Yes. If it's not a heck yes, then it's a no for right now. So if you're saying yes too much, or if you're doing too many things that you don't want to do, and you're not doing enough things that really give you more energy and light you up and help you feel excited, then you might go to frustration a lot of times. My personal human design mentor, her name is Jenna Zoe, and she has a really great podcast called my human design, I think, anyways, highly recommend it. She always says that the reason that the world is so screwed up is because generators aren't doing things that make them feel good. We're in jobs that are like just draining our life force energy. We're like being a martyr and a victim. We're helping too many other people without helping ourselves first. So generators are why the world's so screwed up. If we can have more generators, because, remember, there's 70% of the population is generators, or manifesting generators, if we can have all of those people be doing on a daily basis, many things that feel good and light them up and make them excited and give them life force energy. It'll automatically tip the scales worldwide to make the world a better place.
Matt Cundill 42:54
I sort of think, okay, so if generators can fix the world, I mean, I think it's likely, because of all the self indulgent pieces of the last 20 years that have forced people inside, that have probably taken generators off their game, which is why we've got the world that we've got right now, right?
Unknown Speaker 43:10
Matt Cundill 43:12
What about the celebrity aspect? I mean, it's fine. You mentioned it earlier. You were talking about your daughter, and did you say she was a reflector? A reflector? Yes, yeah. So I looked up some reflectors. Sandra Bullock is reflector. Yul Brenner, I mean, I guess the celebrity part is, it's a fun aspect, isn't it?
Speaker 1 43:32
It is interesting, because a lot of times you can see some of those things like Sandra Bullock, I think for a time she lived in Austin, like, right down the street from where I lived, she's pretty off the map, like she's not all and her whole life she's been that way, like, not in the public eye, very much, like, sort of doing her own thing, that kind of thing. Reflectors are interesting because they can sort of everyday sample different types. Like they could be a generator one day, a manifester, one day, a projector one day. So yeah, it's really cool. I think in most of my episodes where I talk about each type, which you can get the link to from my cheat sheets, which I'll give to Matt to put in there, you can see different celebrities that are also your type, and I have it also in the profiles. You can see different celebrities that are your same profile. So like for you, for the four one, we have Bette Midler, Stevie, wonder, Barbara Walters, Louis Vuitton, Gianni Versace, there's others, but those are interesting ones. I don't know many of those super well. For a four one, you'd have to know them on, like, a really personal level to probably see that aspect in them, but it's pretty cool. So everybody listening, definitely go listen to your profile episode, because I do a deep dive into that, into celebrities that match you too. Yeah, I
Matt Cundill 44:52
think when I was listening back to those and producing them, I thought to myself, Well, which 1am I? And I think that sort of led me to, you know, to asking you today, you know. Let's just talk about this today. By the way, is the 25th birthday of my twin boys, and it just by coincidence. Here we are today. But I did have after I submitted to you, oh, here's my birthday, here's the time that I was born. But what happens with twins? I mean, do they have the exact same human design, and what if they're fraternal and what if they're identical? Does that matter?
Speaker 1 45:27
Yeah, so I've done, I've only done Human Design readings for two sets of twins. One set had, I don't know if they were fraternal. That is a good question. So I don't know about that, but one set had the exact same chart, another set had the same type and profile, but a different incarnation cross, because sometimes minute by minute, it changes things in your chart, and then so with the twins that had The same exact chart, that does happen sometimes, often it happens with twins or people born at the same time in the same city, because basically a few of the things that the chart is measuring is how many of those, what I talked about before, neutrinos are coming in to Earth at the second that you take your first breath, and depending on where you are on earth, and all that kind of stuff. So with those gals, they were like, well, what does that mean? Are we the same person? Like, do we have all of the same personality and all of that kind of stuff with a chart? Because the girls that I did that zoom with, they were like, we feel like we're very different, yet we have the same chart. So there's a few different things about that. One, some people are much more prone to the conditioning of the world, like with you, somebody else who has the exact same chart might have stayed at that old job, you know, with a boss doing something they didn't want to do, and would have a different personality because of that right, because of not following their true calling and what their soul was telling them to do, they want to make sure they get that paycheck and those benefits, and they don't care if the boss is telling them what. I mean, it bothers them on the inside, but for paper sake, that's what they want to do, right? So if people are a little bit more prone to conditioning, or follow the conditioning that goes against who they really are, they'll end up having a different personality. We all see this. We are getting inundated on Instagram by polarizing information, and it is affecting the way that you think about things, the way that you think about other people. It's affecting your personality. However, if you don't, if you stay away from all of that, you'd have a pretty clear perspective of things, and you could go inside, right? So there's that. And there's also a in Kabbalah, which is, it predates all of the religions, actually. But for some reason, Judaism has sort of embraced it on a certain level. So a lot of Jewish people do practice Kabbalah. However, it's not meant just for Jewish people. It's meant for everybody in Kabbalah, which is part of human design as well. They do teach that sometimes, if a soul has a lot of cleanup to do, they will go in for their next life and divide, whether it's twins or two people on different parts of the world, it's the same soul divided so that they can sort of get their cleanup work. In Kabbalah, it's called Tikkun, they can get their cleanup done faster and easier with two humans working on it. Now I don't know if this is real or not. It is just a theory, but with those twins, I was like, maybe y'all are the same soul, exact same soul that divided into two to each sort of have a different path to work on things so that at the end of this life, you can come back and be a cleaner soul with less karma like you have, Matt for your next lifetime. Are your boys the same exact or? No,
Matt Cundill 49:13
they're pretty different.
Unknown Speaker 49:13
Okay, that's interesting. Yeah.
Matt Cundill 49:17
How are you preparing for 2027
Speaker 1 49:20
if you would have asked me that when I first started teaching about that, I would have had a whole list for you. Now that we're like four years in to all the changes. I'm taking it day by day. Honestly, there's so many things that are said are going to be changing in 2027 some of the people who study the new paradigm are a little bit like doomsday. I don't prescribe to that. I just don't think it's helpful. I don't think it's helpful to be 100% prepper and think that we're gonna have like, a nuclear fallout and all that kind of stuff. That doesn't make my today better. However, some things I'm personally doing. Are being more self reliant just period like we are gardening, and we get a lot of our produce from our garden, which has felt really cool. I'm making a lot of connections in community and buying things from local farmers instead of the grocery store. I'm doing a lot of trades. So several of the things that probably eventually, whether it's in the next three years or the next 100 or 200 years, just because of climate change and technology and all of that, so many things are going to either go away or change. People are talking about, you know, the banking system is going to change. Our food system is going to change all of these things. So instead of looking at each of those changes in a doomsday perspective, I say, what is the way I want this to go, and what things can I do to prepare now? So like, first of all, I just found this out. Texas created its own stock market. Like, what did you know that? That's a recent thing my husband just told me. So changes are afoot. Wow. I don't know if Texas is going to be the best place to live right now in the next few years. I I've heard many things about crazy changes that could happen. But whatever we're here, that's, that's where we are, however, like money that is maybe in the stock market, maybe you change it around to where it's mostly an index funds, or you take some out and buy a piece of land, or things like that. Those are things that we're talking about, mainly community, self reliance, and, you know, moving money around a little bit to where it's not 100% all in the volatile parts of the stock market. Because I do think some things with that will change. And really, when you get a human design reading or you check out the cheat sheet, following your strategy. So for you and I, Matt, a generator, strategy is to respond. So that basically means letting things come to you, whether that's somebody asking you to be on their podcast, or, you know, being invited to a dinner or whatever, like look for invitations and things that are coming to you, and really use your gut to decide whether it's right or not not. Like, oh, if I was on this person's podcast, it would, you know, put me in front of 10 million new people, but you don't really like the person, and you don't feel like you'd have a good conversation. Well, then you should say no to that. You know what I mean? Like it's responding with your gut instinct instead of your logical brain, as much as possible, and creating some open space, right? So, like a lot of times, I'll leave my Wednesday mornings totally open, so that either, if I feel like it that day, I can, like, play catch up on admin stuff, but I don't book anything on Wednesday mornings for the most part, so that I can have some open space in my calendar to allow things to come in that I can then respond to, or put those things there. A lot of times, we just, like, pack our calendars so we can't even say yes to something that we want to say yes to, right? So that's like a good baby step change that people can make as well with 2027 honestly, learning about your human design and starting to make small daily decisions based on your strategy and authority, which I go over in the cheat sheets, it will change so many things for the better. I always joke that when people find human design, if they start applying it to their everyday life, you have sort of a 90 day beginner's luck period where a lot of different fun things happen and change, and you make new connections, and there's a lot that opens up for you, not that it doesn't continue, but really, the first three months or so of learning human design, there's a lot that pops up for you, which is really, really cool
Matt Cundill 54:11
for those who are watching this on the video the podcast is on the hat. That's a great piece of merch, by the way. It's called you do Woo. And for the rest of you, everything's in the show notes, including the cheat sheets and where you can listen to the episodes, including your human design and how to discover what your human design is, and all the connection points to Allison. Thank you so much for doing this.
Speaker 1 54:31
Thank you for having me, Matt. It was fun to sort of get a little overview of your chart too.
Matt Cundill 54:38
My thanks to Allison for joining me on the podcast. She can be reached through her and all the connection details are on the episode page at you this episode was produced by Evan Surmonski and edited by Taylor McLean, and is built with love by everyone at the sound off media company.